Satellite Data Solution
Satellite Data Solution
[REVIEW] Internship #02
Reduction of Plastic Waste Leakage from Urban Area
Young people from Asian countries study at Japanese universities by Innovative Asia Scholarship Program by JICA. Japan Space Systems has invited over 80 students for 2-week internship programs. Japan Space Systems also invites some talented students for the post-completion internship programs, and students apply remote sensing and GIS data analysis for their interesting fields.
Fikri completed his master’s degree at Ritumeikan Univeristy.
Name: Fikri
Country: Malaysia
Duration: September 2020 – December 2020
Fikri engaged to develop web-based GIS system for mapping plastic waste locations in urban areas as a part of Closing the Loop Project conducted by United Nations Economic and Social Committee of Asian and the Pacific. Japan Space Systems has already developed GDSS, but Fikri contributed system extensions and innovation.
IT engineers at Japan Space Systems do not only face to devices and code programs, but also have field surveys, collect needs and realize ideas into the systems. Fikri also participated Synchronous observations by Sentinel-2, UAV and FIEDLSPEC at Watarase River. He demonstrated field survey by UAV and FIELDSPEC, and also he made a boom with plastic bottles for collecting plastic wastes in river waters.
- Measuring Plastic Bottles
- Measuring Plastic Sheet
- Making a Boom
- Demostration for Collecting Plsatic Wastes
- at Genesia
- Kizuna
- SpaceIndustry
- HokkaidoUniversity
- AkitaUniversity
- KyushuUniversity
- Zimbabwe
- Mozambique
- Bhutan
- Padjadjaran
- CapacityBuilding
- InnovativeAsia
- Geology
- Eritrea
- Malaysia
- Zambia
- Internship
- ABEInitiative
- SmallIncinerator
- GeoPollutution
- MedicalGeology
- UrbanGeology
- KualaLumpur
- Surabaya
- DaNang
- NakhonSiThammarat
- Utah
- CuttingEdgeTech
- SmallSat
- JapanBooth
- Indonesia
- PlasticWaste
- SystemIntegration
- Worldwide
- MobileApp
- Japan